Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We have crossed over to the blog world.......

Ashley and I have a couple of friends that are bloggers, more recently my great friend Heather, who have tried to get us in the loop. We have always said that we just don't have the time for something like a blog. But in all actuality, I think it was that we just didn't want to make time. After some thought, we have changed our ways. It will be a great way for all my family, who still live in Arkansas, to keep up with what we have going on since I am horrible at keeping in touch via the phone. So, here we are. I hope we don't disappoint. :)

1 comment:

Chap and Heather said...

Hooray Brittany!!! It's about time =) I can't WAIT to see more!

Hi Paula!! I am sure you'll be checking this and I can't wait to see your blog SOON!! ;)
