Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Now for some introductions........

I just wanted to include a few introductions so that in future entries my references to others will make sense.

My side of the family......The Smith's!!!

My Parents, Bobby Joe and Paula. They have been married for somewhere around 33 years (sorry Mom if I got that wrong). I would not and could not be the person I am today with out their guidance and most of all patience. They love and treat Ashley as if he was their own son. I am very blessed!!

Next up my brother Zack. Zack and I are a week away from being exactly three years apart in age. He is the older one at the ripe old age of 28. He is the kindest person and I would fight anyone who said they had the Best Brother in the World because I am pretty sure I have the best brother in the world. Hands Down!!!!

This picture is a year or so old, but one of my favorites!!


Chap and Heather said...

That's one terrific lookin' family =) I think they'd look even better in Rock Hill though ;)

Anonymous said...

What a great blog! I love the pictures! I am truly blessed with a wonderful family. Anyone can tell you that they are the most important people in my life. And an added blessing is the extended family and great friends I have been able to add to my circle. Ya'll are the best.