Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I think I might have a problem......

Since I am on the TV bit, I think I might have a problem with TV. I think I am addicted! Well, wait, I know I am addicted. That's the first step right, admitting it?? I am currently taking a class/tutor sessions to help me take the GRE to get in to graduate school (Colly, I carry your awesome 90210 bag you gave me to class). It is eight weeks long and there is tons of studying and homework to do. I am very devoted or maybe obsessive it really depends on who you speak to, so I study a lot. However, I do plan my study time around my TV shows. This probably wouldn't be a problem if I didn't watch so many shows. Here's the rundown.....

One Tree Hill (one of my favorites)
90210 (if you know me this is not a surprise)
Dancing with the Stars
Brothers & Sisters
Lipstick Jungle
Grey's Anatomy
The Office
Private Practice
The Cleaner
The Hills
Real World/Road Rules Challenge
Not counting the One Tree Hill and Beverly Hills 90210 re-runs on the Soap Net that I tape everyday.

So, even though I think I have a problem, I can't do anything about it. I just thought about this last night as I was watching the new 90210 and "taking a break" from studying.


Colly said...

Awesome!! I can so see you sportin that bag to class!! Your little hot pink book satchel with all your little studies in it. haha! I admire your devotion to school...that's a kind of bug that I never really caught. :-(
I think everyone is addicted to TV, so I don't think you should worry about your limited with the addition of E, you will find that list extending a bit I think! I hate I don't get to rub that channel in yous guys's faces anymore! That was always so much fun! Craps.

Jaysey said...

You can do something about it. You choose not to.
Be not confused.