Monday, October 20, 2008

What a Weekend!!!!

Let me start with Friday wonderful sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Jaime and Bryan, sent me a dozen chocolate covered strawberries to work. They sent them for good luck and I am pretty sure it helped. I have never gotten anything sent to me at work, so after I argued with the mail guy that it wasn't my box, I thoroughly enjoyed them. Also, my friend Liz made me some delicious brownies that had my favorite candy, Caramel Creams, in them. After work, I had to go drop off some things at my other sister-in-law's house (Amy). My niece and nephew were there and had some school projects to work on. I helped paint pyramids and made fire out of clay for a shadow box. I am not that crafty. Jackson and Amy can tell you, I didn't do so well with the fire or canoe, which Amy thought was a hot dog bun. Nonetheless, I had a wonderful time and was able to relax and get my mind off of my big day on Saturday.

My loving husband took me to dinner on Friday night. We sit down at the table to order and we were told that my father-in-law had called ahead and was arranging to pay for everything. He is a sneaky little man!!!!!

Saturday morning Ashley and I go to Columbia to the testing center. I can honestly say that I was not nervous. I took the GRE (we won't say how many times I had taken it previously) and totally exceeded my goal and expectations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was absolutely ecstatic! I did everything but cartwheels in the parking lot where Ashley was waiting in the car. He was freaking out because I was too busy jumping around to tell him what was going on. It was one of the best feelings I've ever had, aside from my engagement and marriage. Then it was like a whirlwind from then on. Ashley immediately started calling and texting I think everyone we know, so I am sure you all know this already. After the excitement, we got to go see The Day Family and hang out with Smith and Addison. They are absolutely adorable and we enjoyed every minute of it. Next, we were off to see The Rankin Family and hang out with Mr. Carter. He is such a big growing boy, with the most beautiful big eyes I have seen. We enjoyed hanging out with Amber and Carter. We haven't seen them since the babies were born and it was a long overdue visit. Thanks guys for letting come hang out!!!!

Krissee took a picture of Ashley and I with Smith and Addison. You can see it at

Once we got back to Rock Hill, my wonderful and supportive father-in-law bought Ashley and I a celebratory drink at Harry and Jeans and our awesome friends John and Elizabeth cooked us dinner. Thanks guys!!

I also want to thank everyone else for all the goodies you baked (Elizabeth), goodies you had sent to me (Jaime and Bryan), cards (Heather), and thoughts and prayers. I appreciate every one's love and support.

On Sunday, Ashley and I were both a little lost. For the past nine weeks, I have been in a class all day on Sundays and Ashley just did his thing. Well, yesterday was the first time we were able to be normal and we honestly didn't know what to do with ourselves. I guess this means I have to give my house a thorough cleaning! Oh well.


Chap and Heather said...

CONGRATS!! I am so happy for you, I know that is such a relief (that is well worked really hard!!) So...what's the next step?? When does school start??

Enjoy this time earned it! =)

Colly said...

That is really great!!!!!!! I am so glad you've finally gotten that over with!!! What a relief you must feel!!
Wonderful, just wonderful!!

The Morgans said...

Thanks Ladies!!! Colly, I am glad it is finally over with too! I can do normal things now. It was all in the 90210 bag!

Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

Congrats on your awesome news!! We really enjoyed you guys coming by for a visit....come back anytime!!