Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yea, Mon

Ashley and I just got back from a very wonderful 5 days in Jamaica. We stayed at Sandals in Montego Bay, or as the locals say Mo Bay. We had an absolute best time with my parents and some of our best friends John and Elizabeth. I have tons of pictures to share so be patient.
Here we are on the bus from the airport to our resort.

This is how my dad spent most of his vacation. We had to wake him up and make him move because he was in the way of a wedding. He gets pretty sleepy on the beach.

Ashley, me and my parents took an excursion to go zip lining through the rain forest. Ashley and I had never done this, but it was by far the most fun and coolest thing I have ever done! EVER! There were 9 zip lines and one was over 1000 feet long. We were told we would get up to 35-40 mph and I believe it!

This is me and Superman. He was one our guides. He never told us him real name and I didn't really mind because when you are over 250 ft. in the air, don't you want Superman as your guide? The guides were part of the reason the trip was so enjoyable. I really wanted to bring them home with me.
This is one of my favorite group pictures.


I do have a ton more pictures...100 to be exact...if you want to see them all, let me know. We had a blast and are already planning our trip next year. I will be in school, so on my spring break next year we are going to visit a different Sandals. We are thinking the Bahamas or Antigua and saving St. Lucia for the trip I plan on taking after I graduate.

We had an absolute blast! No one really wanted to come home, in fact Ashley even checked into staying one more night, but the resort was booked solid. I will say, however, that my stomach is definitely ready to eat normally and not so much at one time. When you eat breakfast at 9:30 or 10 and then lunch at noon and then snack on nachos about 3 and then dinner at 6 and drinks the entire time. The stomach does a little stretching. That and we got home on Thursday and my food vacation lasted until today. Tomorrow, Monday, back to basics.


Colly said...

Super jealous. Looks awesome. God, don't you just absolutely HATE coming back from vacation to your house with no beach, and your job with no alcohol. ugh!!! I wanna see all the pics. Snapfish em to me!

(HA) the secret word I had to re-type was "gloopely". THAT is definitely the name I give to the gelatinous so called "fruit" concoctions in the healthy/lean frozen dinners. ;-)

Chap and Heather said...

I laughed out loud at Bobby Joe asleep and having to move for the THAT is relax to the max! I'm glad ya'll had fun and I hope re-adjusting to reality this week isn't too harsh =)

Let me know the dates for that St. Lucia trip...we're in!!

The Morgans said...

Colly, yes, I do HATE coming home and getting back to reality. We hate it so much we tried to stay another day, but no dice.

Heather, I could have taken a picture every day and it would look the same. Same tree, same chair, same hat over the face. He said he couldn't imagine why they wouldn't want him in the background of their wedding pictures?! :) Re-adjusting stinks!!! Getting my stomach back to eating normal is the hardest.

When I graduate....St. Lucia bound!!! We will definitely let you know!

Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

that sounds fabulous! I'm in need of a vacation and I want that one! sounds like you guys had a great time. now back to boring work and housework and blah blah blah...

Krissee said...

I'm jealous but I'm glad you had a good time.