Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm not a _________ kind of person.

I was listening to the radio while driving to school yesterday morning and the radio show posed this sentence.  Some examples of theirs:

I'm not a buffet kind of person.
I'm not an after 11 pm kind of person.
I'm not a Dancing With the Stars kind of person.  (we all know this is not me!!)
I'm not a fishing kind of person.

I was trying to figure out what kind of person I am not.  I am having a really hard time with this.  I can only think of things that I like, but that's not the sentence. 

The only one I decided on; however, I know there are so many more.
I'm not a scary movie kind of person.

So, ask you to fill in the blank......................I'm not a ________ kind of person.

1 comment:

Team O'Hare said...

I have been thinking about this since you posted it and I have come up with several but none worthy of posting... Hummm.....