I was recently chatting with a few of my fellow classmates (3 girls ages: 22, 23, 23) as school. We were talking about some of our favorite TV shows and it was brought to my attention that either I watch too much TV or they just don't watch enough TV. In my own head, I am actually going for option #3........I'm just way cooler than they are.
This may be a shocker, but they didn't know who the Kardashian's were and had NEVER watched any of The Real Housewives (any season). Lastly, they had never watched or heard of Bethenny Frankel!!! Mind you this is only a very short list of TV stars they had never heard of or seen. It took my breath! Do they live in a hole?? (Yes, I did ask them this). This is just astonishing to me! How could this be? I mean honestly, both of my brother-in-laws (both in the mid-late 30's) know who all of the above and then sooooo much more. Sad on the B-I-L's part? No, I say. Sad on the 22 year old girls part..........she should know better.