Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A New Chapter Begins

I thought I should blog on my "last day of life as I know" before school commences. Starting tomorrow and the rest of the week, I will have orientation for school. Oh yes, orientation is three days long and last ALL day. On Monday, August 10th, my first class begins. This first class is Gross Anatomy. It will consume most (by most I mean all) of my time. Then on August 20th the rest of my classes begin. I know this was my idea, my dream and I signed myself up for this, but I have been wondering lately......WHY??? I haven't been to school in nearly 5 years. Studying is a hard habit to get back into and not a habit that most enjoy, including me.

So, from here on out I make no promises about posting frequently. I am not saying I will never blog again, just a warning that it won't be often. I pretty much have not committed to anything but Thanksgiving and Christmas (and by committed I mean yes we will celebrate these holidays....when and where...TBA).

Keep me and my brain in your thoughts and prayers, we will need it. Oh, and you might want to throw a prayer in there for Ashley, bless him!


Amber said...

good luck! i know you'll do great!

Colly said...

Prayers will be with you both. Don't let orientation freak you out. You are gonna love it when you get back into the swing of it, I think! I wish I could go to gross anatomy class!
I am very excited for you. Just keep your eye on the prize!! Good luck!!!!

Chap and Heather said...

You'll do great!! You've had too much time to get yourself all stressed about this, so I don't blame you...but i do know you are going to be wonderful and love living your dream! You're a pretty determined/competitive lady that doesn't let much stand in her way =) I can't wait to hear how it goes!!

Colly said...

SOoooooo....How's school going????